"To Know Him, and Make Him Known"
Providence Baptist Church
Fall Festival
Sat, Oct 07
|College Park
Join us for the Fall Festival!

Time & Location
Oct 07, 2023, 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM
College Park, 1773 Hawthorne Ave, College Park, GA 30337, USA
About the Event
Intrested in becoming a vendor? Download the application on the website.
Event Information
Site: Providence Baptist Church, 1773 Hawthorne Ave, College Park, GA 30337 (404) 209-1423
Date: Saturday, October 7, 2023
Time: 11:00 am- 5:00 pm
Contact: Gloria Williams, 404-429-6326, glorialwilliams@bellsouth.net
Vendor/Exhibitor Information
Name/Company Name:
Type of Products:
Contact Person:
Phone _________________________________
Indicate if you need Providence to provide: □electricity
Total cost of vending space: $60.00 (non-refundable) Vending space includes 1 six-foot table, 2 chairs. Vendors will provide their own tents. All tents will be located on the street.
1) All fees must be paid no later than September 30, 2023. Payments are acceptable in the forms of cash, check or money order made payable to Providence Baptist Church with Fall Festival on the memo line
2) Vendor/Exhibitor must provide own cloth covering for table.
3) Vending/Exhibition space and display area must be set-up by 10:00a.m. on the day of event. 4) Vendor/Exhibitor is expected to clean up designated display areas at the close of the event.
5) Tables and all display materials must be removed no later than 7:00 p.m. (2 hours following official close of event).
7) ALL items sold/displayed by vendors/exhibitors must be approved by Providence Baptist Church in advance of the event. No food sales are permitted for food to be consumed at the festival.
8) Distribution of other promotional material i.e. fliers, brochures, and postcards is limited to the company named on this agreement. Distribution of additional materials will not be permitted without the approval of Providence Baptist Church.
9) Vendor/Exhibitor will hold Providence Baptist Church harmless for inclement weather and will not receive a refund of vending fees.
10) Providence Baptist Church shall neither request nor expect any portion of the sales or profits made by vendor on the day of the event.
Vendor/Exhibitor shall keep Providence Baptist Church harmless against any and all claims, demands, losses, costs, damage suits, judgments, penalties, expenses, and liabilities of any kind or nature whatsoever arising directly or indirectly out ofor in connection with the operation of your vendor space. This document serves as an agreement between Providence Baptist Church and you as Vendor/Exhibitor. If the above is in compliance with your understanding, sign and date this document below, and submit with all vendor/exhibitor fees.
Print Name Name of Company
Signature Date
Received By: Date ____________
Providence Baptist Church
Community Fall Festival 2023
Payment Options for Vendor Registration Fee
• Log in to Providence Baptist Church Website - Providencebc.com
• Select ONLINE GIVING option
• Click To Donate
• On the "MAKE A DONATION" page, scroll down to select FALL FESTIVAL
• Enter Amount (Enter $60.00 for Vendor Space Payment)
• Go to Next Page
• Select ONE TIME DONATION AS GUEST (you do not have to set up account)
• Enter NAME AND EMAIL INFORMATION to receive payment receipt
• On the Confirmation Page - Update the ADD A MESSAGE BLOCK with the following: "This payment is for Vendor Space at the 2023 Fall Festival"
• Click SUBMIT
• You will receive an email confirmation of your payment.
Make check payable to Providence Baptist Church
Put Fall Festival on the Memo Line of the check
Send check with a copy of your registration form to:
Providence Baptist Church
1773 Hawthorne Ave.
College Park, GA 30337
3. HAND DELIVER PAYMENT Monday thru Friday, 9am to 4pm Bring payment to the church office
Providence Baptist Church
1773 Hawthorne Ave.
College Park, GA 30337
4. AT CHURCH ON SUNDAYS Payment can be made in the Church Bookstore immediately after each service
Vendor Fee is $60 and includes:
• 1 six-foot table and 2 chairs (Vendors are to supply their owntent)
• 1 business card ad in the Festival Guide/Souvenir Book
• All vendors will have space on Hawthorne Ave. or Jefferson St.

1773 Hawthorne Avenue
College Park, GA 30337
Office: 404-209-1423
Fax: 404-209-1425
Sunday: 9:00 am
Sunday Discipleship Training: 11:00 am
Lunch with the Lord: Wednesday at Noon
Bible Study: Wednesday at 7:00 pm