"To Know Him, and Make Him Known"
Providence Baptist Church

"To Know Him, and Make Him Known"
Providence Baptist Church

Pastor Nesbitt's Schedule
Noon Day FB Live Bible Study
Bible Study at 7:00 PM
PBC Youth Bible Study at 7:00 PM
Young Adult Bible Study (18 - 35 years old) at 7:00PM
TV Broadcast on AIB TV(Comcast 5) at 11:00 PM
Ongoing Announcement ​
Ministry Announcements
Chorus Ministry
Elder Ministry
Deacon Ministry
STARS Dance Ministry
For Girls age(s) 5-17 interested in PBC S.T.A.R.S dance ministry, Parents please see Carolyn Clarke, Jasmine Stevenson or Corey Guinn.
Drama Ministry
Now accepting scripts for future productions. Please leave two copies in Drama Ministry mail box.
PBC Nurses Guild
Now recruiting new members! Please see Sis. Toniqua Harvard or any member of the Nurses Guild.
PBC Male Ushers
Computer Ministry
Now recruiting new members! Please see Dea. Kenneth Isler or Bro. Gary Thompson.
PBC Usher Board #2
Now recruiting new members Please contact any current usher board member.
Missionary Society
Asking for donations to the PBC Food Bank non-perishable items including can meats vegetables, fruits, rice, noodles, beans, etc. Cash & checks are welcome!
PBC Food Bank
Donations accepted sponsored by the Missionary Society. Support the Food Bank with donations of non-perishable food items.
Praise Team
New CD available in the bookstore here.
Media Ministry
Need volunteers to SPECIFICALLY work with: in service projection; projecting scriptures and songs during worship; live streaming of worship and other events. Please see
Other Announcements
Online Giving Now Available Here
Please watch the Reggie Gay Gospel TV Show every
Sunday at 8:00 PM
WATC-TV Atlanta or online www.ReggieGay.com
Members, Please Complete Membership update cards
return to an usher. Click Here for Online Form.
PBC Support our Mortuary of Choice Goolsby's Mortuary
1375 Jonesboro Rd in the historical SW Atlanta
Please fill out 2022 Harvest Day Pledge cards.
Check the “Who’s Hiring?” bulletin board regularly for the latest job updates.

Sunday: 9:00 AM
Sunday Discipleship Training: 11:00 AM
Lunch with the Lord: Wednesday at Noon
Bible Study: Wednesday at Noon
TV Broadcast Service: Tuesdays at 11:00pm AIB TV (Comcast 5)
1773 Hawthorne Avenue
College Park, GA 30337
Office: 404-209-1423
Fax: 404-209-1425